Wanna be a Cannon Buster?

Talking about Cannon Busters!

Cannon busters is an extremely unique anime. The theme song is amazing, and enjoyable to listen to. The MC Philly the Kid is an immortal soul, who lives a barbaric life. I believe his name comes from the bounty hunter society. They are constantly after his life, which doesn’t make too much sense considering he is immortal. Maybe they want to see if there’s a way he can be killed, but throughout the series he seems pretty invincible. Although every time he dies seems painful, I definitely wouldn’t want to go through that almost daily. His car is pretty cool too. By inserting a coin, similar to an arcade game the car becomes a transformer (combat robot). Philly the Kid motto is kill or be killed, or in his case kill before he is killed again. While living this rather stressful life he encounters a two happy-go robots. Samberry a friendly robot, who is always looking to make new friends. She always puts her owner Prince Toji first before anything else. Sam is on a journey to find Prince Toji. She persuades Philly the Kid into helping her on the journey. Sam has a lot of humor in her role. She happy about any situation, and I think Philly the Kid finds that to be the worse characteristic about her. I will say that Sam is my favorite character, because she always there for you. The anime seems kinda realistic, where if we lived in a world with human-like robots they would be insensitive to human needs. Sam is the best example of this scenario, but her robot friend Casey has a tiny bit more common sense. Casey is a repair bot, so she is program to continuously adapt. She is aware that Sam lacks some general knowledge, but accepts her none the less. Casey joined Sam on her journey simply because she didn’t want to be left alone. These two robots were actually assets to Philly the Kid, and helped him through a number of situations. Casey constantly makes repairs to his car, while Sam goes into battle mode when the time is right. Sam is what is known as a Cannon Buster. She has the power to produce a powerful blast of energy, however she doesn’t know that she can. This anime is filled with creativity, and I encourage everyone to watch it. I found this anime to be very enjoyable. This American style anime was created by a black artist LeSean Thomas. I hoped you found this blog to be entertaining and/or informative. Anime recommended by twiiter: @vanessareenae

Twiiter: @quindesbloglife